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The importance of intrusion tests for companies

Intrusing tests, also known as pentest, are a crucial step allowing companies to assess and improve their defenses in terms of cybersecurity.

Written by Ballpoint May 16, 2023 Good Practices
Tags - #pentest
The importance of intrusion tests for companies

Pentesting is a critical step that allow organisations to assess and improve their cybersecurity defences. A pentest consists of simulating a cyber-attack on an organisation's IT systems and networks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This helps organisations to protect themselves against real-world cyber-attacks and reduce the risk of data breaches, financial loss and reputational damage

Here is a overview of pentesting and why it is important for organisations :

What is pentesting ?

Pentesting is the simulation of a cyber-attack on an organisation's IT systems and networks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses. It involves the use of tools and specialised techniques to simulate several types of attacks, such as malware, ransomware, phishing and social engineering. Pentesting is also known as ethical hacking, because it is conducted by auditors who have the necessary skills and expertise to perform the test without causing any harm or damage

Why are pentests important ?

Pentests are important for a number of reasons :

  • Help organisations to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their IT systems and networks that could be exploited by cybercriminals.

  • Allow organisations to evaluate the effictiveness of their cybersecurity measures and identify areas for improvement.

  • Provide information and guidelines to help organisations strengthen their defences against cyber-attacks.

  • Assist organisations in complying with industry regulations and standards that require regular security testing

  • Help organisations to avoid reputational and financial damage that can result from data breaches and other cyber-attacks

Who carries out pentests ?

Pentests are typically conducted by a team of qualified and experienced individuals, known as ethical hackers or pentesters. These people have the required skills and expertise to simulate several types of cyber-attacks and identify vulnerabilities in the organisation's IT systems and networks. They also have a in-depth knowledge of cybersecurity best practices and regulations and can provide advis on how to improve the organisation's security.

How often should pentests be carried out ?

The frequency of pentests depends on many factors, such as the size and the complexity of the organisation's IT systems and networks, the sensitivity of the data they hold and the level of risk they face from cyber-attacks.

It is generally recommended that pentest are conducted on a regular basis such as annually or quarterly, to insure that the organisation's security measures are up to date and effective.

How much does a pentest cost ?

In general, the cost of a professional pentest is between €3000 and €10.000, but it can be higher for large networks. The cost of a pentest depends on many factors. These factors include the type of the test (white box, grey box, black box or red team), the scope of the test in term of the system to be evaluated, the complexity of the systems to be tested, the expertise of the provider and the quality of the reporting of the results.


In conclusion, pentesting is an essential tool for organisations to assess and improve their cyber security defences. By simulating a cyber-attack and identifying vulnerabilities, organisations can protect themselves against real-world threats and minimise the risk of data breaches and other cyber-attacks. It is important to conduct regular pentests and to involve experienced and qualified individuals to ensure that the test is conducted correctly and the results are interpreted accurately.

✅ If you would like a detailed, personalied quotation for your next pentest, please contact us.